Real Change Newspaper
Table of Contents
May 16, 1999, Vol. 6, No. 10
- The Gospel According to Helen. Sister Prejean on the Prison State.
- Big D Democrat. An Interview with Mike Lowry
Table of Contents:
Washington's Big D Democrat. An interview with Governor Lowry. Interview by Jon Gould and Anitra Freeman, Pages 1, 8, 9
Feet to the Fire. Advocates and activists at National Homeless Summit raise the bar for government by Anitra Freeman, Pages 1, 14
Mailbag, Page 2
- We Have Hope by Theresa Miller
- Grateful Gardener by Meredith E. Brown
- Neurotic Nordys by Storm, Vendor #1331 [RE: Nordstrom's]
Opinion: Finding the Energy to Care. No "compassion fatigue" down in the trenches. By Ruanda Morrison, Page 3
News You Can Use. Close to Home. Newsbriefs by Bob Redmond, Pages 4, 5
- Democracy Wins! [RE: Nancy Amidei]
- Unfinished Business: Welfare rights and insurance coverage
- Last Change for Changes to Parks Law {RE: Parks Exclusion Law, Nick Licata, John Fox, WHEEL]
- E Pluribus Unum
- Picture: Artist Gloria Bornstein's E Pluribus Unum [Out of many, one] is included in a retrospective exhibit of her work at Bellevue Art Museum this month. "Gloria Bornstein: Retelling, 1975-1998" runs through June 21, 1999 and features major works of the local artist, who is renowned for groundbreaking performance art, civic sculpture, and painting and prints. Bornstein's works "humanize the political and politicize the personal"(--BAM), and include the whales at the Seattle Center Fountain (permanent); Seattle waterfront viewpoints (1991-1993) which raised questions about the history and use of that place, and "Banishing the Poets" (1990), a work that responded to the censorship of NEA grantees. Bellevue Art Museum is located on the third floor of Bellevue Square. Hours and info: (425) 454-3322 or
- Photo by Jim Ball
- The Mayor's Big Plan [RE: Strategic Capital Agenda by Seattle Mayor Paul Schell]
- Mother's Day Brunch
- Picture: Bennie Harrell and daughter Jazzmine Wilke enjoy each other's company at the Fourth Annual Mother's Day Brunch, hosted by the Women's Housing, Equality, and Enhancement League (WHEEL). The event, which attracted over 100 mothers and daughters, was a double celebration, as it took place in the brand new, permanent home for the Boomtown Cafe at 3rd and Cherry. Congratulations all!
- Photo by George Hickey
The View From On High. By Bob Redmond, Page 5 [RE: A lunch on community financial investment, organized by the Washington Reinvestment Alliance, U.S. Rep. Jim McDermott, Keynote speaker John Taylor, National Community Reinvestment Coalition]
The Gospel According to Helen. Sister Prejean discusses truth, justice, and the American Way by Scott Winn, Pages 6, 7
- Picture: Sister Helen Prejean in Seattle
- Photo by Dan Schlatter
A Prison With No Borders. By Gary B. Waid, Pages 7, 14 [RE: Florida State Prison Work Camp]
- Picture: Inside a cell
- Photo by Chris Cuzzore, at Used by permision
Tenant Talk. Legal Action Center. By Mark Chattin, Pages 10, 11
Poetry, Pages 12, 13
- Frankenstein by Percy Hilo
- Food and Me by Donald
- Food Bank by Jim Walls
- Letter to a Fisherwoman by Shira Richman
- LIchee for Shui by Koon Woon
- A Grandfather’s Legend: Coyote’s Making of the Stars by Earle Thompson
Adventures in Poetry: Dead Men Walking with ©Dr. Wes Browning, Page 13
Calendar, Page 15. Special thanks to Jean Buskin
Citizens Participation Project
Don't Risk Redlining. Keep Community Reinvestment Law
- Issue: On May 6, 1999 the U.S. Senate passed S.900, its "financial modernization" bill, on a 54-44 straight, party-line vote. The bill, which is insidious for numerous reasons, is especially bad for its effect on the Community Reinvestment Act of 1977.
- The CRA has provided billions of dollars in loans to low-income, rural, minority, and women investors - groups that traditionally were excluded from financial opportunities.
- The House is now considering its version of the bill (HR-10). Though President Clinton has expressed support for CRA, there's no guarantee that he'd veto the whole bill or not dismantle CRA through compromise.