Real Change Newspaper
Table of Contents
May 15, 2000, Vol. 7, No. 10
- Heidi Wills. Not so bad really
Table of Contents:
Belltown Remembers. Seattle’s Incredible Disappearing Poor by Joe Martin, Pages 1, 7, 10
| The Death of Belltown
- Picture: Writer and artist Mac McCanlis was one of the colorful characters of Belltown that have been driven out by rampant gentrification over the past 20 years.
- Photo courtesy of Seattle Post-Intelligencer Jerry Coughlin
- Picture: Architect Ann Hirschi outside the old hotel she helped preserve for low-income artists.
- Photo by Christina Larson
- The Cherry Tree memorialized on a community newspaper, 1979. Courtesy Mark Sullo
Mailbag, Page 2
- Write about what you know by Becky Resnick | Seattle
- Wrong way city by Robert J. Siegel
Correction: K. Peterson’s story about the state Department of Agriculture’s planned pesticide spray, “Poison from Above,” claimed the spray “could harm trees, insects, sick – and homeless people.” We’ll stick by the last three claims, but the spray’s being planned to save the trees. Our fault, not the writer’s.
Correction: Then, Ed Reed, aide to county councilmember Larry Gossett, was quoted in “Robeson Awards” comparing “street crime” to “sweet crime.” Ed really said suite crime, i.e., corporate crime. Please send us a workable definition of “sweet crime.” If we like your suggestion, there’s a prize: you get to copy-edit the next time.
Opinion: The Other Seattle. First things First organizes for a roof over every bed by Timothy Harris, Page 3
| First things First: Had enough? Join us!
This Just In! SEC announces they will projects ads on the moon. By Bob Redmond, Page 3
News You Can Use, (or not) Close to Home, Page 4
- Twilight zone | Tent city rules by Adam Holdorf
- High time for High Point | housing starts by Adam Holdorf
- High power beats up low power | Radio duels by Molly Rhodes
Long time coming. Sand Point surmounts neighborhood fears to open two-year housing program by K. Peterson and Adam Holdorf, Page 5
| Sand Point housing opens
- Picture: Photo courtesy of the Low-Income Housing Institute
A new foundation at Sand Point by Donna Stout, Page 5
- Picture: Donna Stout in her new home.
- Photo by George Hickey
Learning to Play Nice? An interview with Councilmember Heidi Wills. Interview by Peter Bloch Garcia, Page 6
| The Stepford Councilmember speaks
The Further Adventures of Sticky Al, Page 8
Poetry, Pages 8, 9
- (Untitled) by Margareta Waterman
- Geezers in Space: The Case for American Exceptionalism by Charles Potts
- Amazon Dot Gone by David Thornbrugh
- Post-Maternity Leave by Holly Day
- Coyote Story Plus Another Tale by Earle Thompson
Our New Good Neighbors: YWCA and Angeline’s Day Center, Page 10
| the Good News: YWCA to move to Belltown
Seattle Timeline: From the Files of HistoryLink, Page 11
- Pictures:
- One of the original “Mercer Girls”
- White Oregon Improvement Company mine workers resented black strikebreakers
- The Temple de Hirsch Sinai
- The Aquarium’s underwater dome nears completion
NEW COLUMN: Notes from the Kitchen by Elizabeth Smith, Page 12
| Bread for all ages
Potato Bread: an ancient life force
Tenant Talk. Educate. Agitate. Organize by Mark Chattin, Legal Action Center, Page 13
Real Profile: Paul Pesterkoff, 1940 – 2000 by Michele Marchand, Page 14
Classics Corner by Perfess'r Harris (Timothy Harris), Page 14
Calendar, Page 15 | Compiled by Adam Holdorf
Citizens Participation Project. ACT NOW! By Molly Rhodes, Page 16
Protect Housing Rights – Amend Religious Liberty Bill
- Issue: Protections against housing discrimination based on race, religion, sexual orientation or familial status could be undermined by a Congressional bill designed to protect individual religious beliefs and activities. It needs to be amended so it explicitly provides exemptions against religious liberties that infringe the right to fair housing and employment.