Real Change Newspaper
Table of Contents
November 1, 2001, Vol. 8, No. 23
- More Homeless, Less Money
- Boom – The Sound of Eviction
There are no missing pages. The Mockingbird Times was inserted between pages 8 and 13
Table of Contents:
VOID. A Prologue to Homelessness. Contempt, ignorance, and the disappearance of downtown’s affordable hotels. Story and interviews by Trevor Griffey, Pages 1, 8, 13, 14, 15
“It was a kind of fiction.” Interview with Paul Groth.
- Photo of Paul Groth, courtesy of Paul Groth.
“We made sure that people weren’t displaced.” Interview with Bob Santos
- Picture: Bob Santos file Photo
“An ongoing apocalypse in slow motion.” Interview with Joe Martin
- Picture of Joe Martin by Mike Hamrick
- Picture: The site of the former Hotel Gowman is now home to a parking lot.
- Photo courtesy of Washington State Archives, Puget Sound Regional Branch
- Illustration: Drawing by Laurie Olin, reprinted from his 1972 book, Breath on the Mirror
- Picture: The East side of 7th Avenue and Pike Street. Now, The Cheesecake Factory; Then, The Waldorf Hotel had 127 units of low-income housing.
- Picture: Now, taking up almost four full blocks, the Convention Center displaced hundreds of low-income housing units; Then, the 74-unit McKay Apartments.
- Current photos by Jackie Renn
- Historical photos courtesy of Washington State Archives, Puget Sound Branch
- Then, the 150-unit Hotel Gowman, at the corner of Second Avenue and Stewart, was torn down in 1969. Now, a parking lot. The 44-unit Amherst Hotel, south of the Gowman, was also destroyed for parking.
Mailbag, Page 2
- Relating viewpoints by Sheila
- War solution by LeeRoy
- Our nightmare by Roger W. Hancock | Auburn
- Visions of work by Martin Paup
RC Vendor Profile: Rainee Maurer and Bruce Osman, Page 2
- Picture: Rainee Maurer and Bruce Osman
- Photo by Adam Holdorf
Opinion: Power. I-71 campaign proves organizing pays. By Timothy Harris, Page 3
News You Can Use! Close to Home, Pages 4, 18
| Out of home, into political fire
- Wanted: a “door-to-door” City Council by Romie Ponce
- Picture: City Councilmember Nick Licata
- Donors bypass local charities to help New York by Ed Cain
- Boom: a familiar sound by Jeanne Ryan
- Picture: Frustrated tenants take to the street in Boom.
- Photo courtesy of Whispered Media
- Shelter vs. showers by Bruce Lofton
- Sleepout for survival…
- Picture: William Howard prepares to make the most of sleeping mats outside the King County Administration Building. Howard took part in SHARE’s sleepout in protest of King County’s delay in opening its winter response shelter. The shelter, which has been run by SHARE in previous years, was eventually opened in mid-October under the supervision of the Salvation Army.
- Photo by Mike Hamrick
Cut and Run. City looks to restore budget money for shelters, services. By Adam Holdorf, Page 5
Adventures in Poetry: It’s all in the title with ©Dr. Wes Browning, Page 6
Poetry, Pages 6, 7
- Staring Down a Gun Barrel by Hans Lillegard
- Earth Bound by Anitra L. Freeman
- Postcard City by Leroy F. Moore Jr. (San Francisco Street Sheet)
- Lovers by Earle Thompson
- Symbols by Kevin Vanderhoef
Notes From The Kitchen: Autumn Music and a Fall Supper. By Liz Smith, Page 16
Street Watch. Compiled by Emma Quinn, Page 17
Classics Corner by Perfess’r Harris (Timothy Harris), Page 18
Calendar. Compiled by Sandra Enger, Page 19
Citizens Participation Project. ACT NOW! Page 20
Vote Yes on I-775, No on I-747
- Issue: The initiatives on the November 6 ballot need to be carefully examined to protect basic services. One Initiative, 747, would slash services through an unrealistic tax cut. The other, 775, would provide elderly and disabled adults with the kind of quality home care they need and deserve.
Mockingbird Times November 1, 2001, Vol. 1, Issue 4