Real Change Newspaper
Table of Contents
January 8, 2004, Vol. 11, No. 2
- Our Hero. Hate Free Zone's Melissa Bailey steps out front for the defenseless.
- MLK and the War
- Go for Peace
- Truth, Justice and Homeless Youth
- Conlin Hears from Homeless
Table of Contents:
Concerted and Concrete. Hate Free Zone advocate Melissa Bailey helps solve problems of those victimized post-9/11. By Chris LaRoche, Pages 1, 9, 10
- Picture: Melissa Bailey
- Photo by Rob Casey
Mailbag, Page 2
- Backyard Politics by Anson Laytner, Exec. Dir. Multifaith Works, Seattle
- Immigrants and Human Nature by Walter Broaddrick
- Let it Shine by Virginia Younger
Prophet in Our Time. King's "triple evils" of racism, poverty, and war. By Jean Buskin, Page 3
| Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
News You Can Use! Close to Home, Page 4
| Destroying cheap housing; City Council's gloomy New Year
- Alps Hotel sold; new owner plans renovation by Adam Holdorf
- Picture: The International District's Alps Hotel
- Photo by Terry Divyak
- A gloomy New Year by Adam Holdorf [RE: Tasks facing Seattle City Council in 2004]
- Light in Darkness
- Picture: A candle is lit at a memorial service remembering 114 homeless or recently homeless people who passed away in 2003. The service, organized by the Compass Center, took place in Pioneer Square on January 2. Two homeless people joined the dead in the waning days of 2003: the body of Marlowe Sparks was found at a Ballard bus stop on December 29, 2003; and John Mansfield died December 31, 2003 in the alley behind the Uptown Cinema in Lower Queen Anne. At press time, amid cold weather and snow, the body of a woman presumed homeless was found on Capitol Hill. County medical examiners are still looking for the cause of their deaths.
Keeping It Real. Councilmember Conlin talks issues with low-income constituents. By Jonah Knutson, Page 5 [RE: Richard Conlin]
Adventures in Poetry with ©Dr. Wes Browning, Page 6
Poetry, Pages 6, 7
- Everything is so still by Elizabeth Romero
- [untitled] by Emily Irwin
- ‘hore story by Earle Thompson
- Swen from planet HTRAE (News from planet Earth) by Suzanne Armstrong
- Clay (for my boys) by David Sparenberg
To Go for Peace. Legacy of a peace ambassador brings international Go championships to Seattle. By Polly Keary, Page 8
- Photo: Deborah Niedermeyer and her son, Luke Allen, talk over their moves while Deborah's husband, Brian and another player look on.
- Photo by Charles C. LaBenz
Theory Meets Action. CARA spearhead Alisa Bierria sustains a local movement against sexual violence. By Patricia Gray, Page 10
Elusive Terms. Truth, Justice, and the search for their meaning for homeless youth. By Casey Trupin, Pages 11, 12, 13, 14
- Picture: Youth sleeping on ground
- Photo by William Bossen
Street Watch. Compiled by Emma Quinn, Page 13
Calendar. Compiled by Sandra Enger, Page 14
Citizens Participation Project. ACT NOW!
Tell Olympia: End Corporate Welfare Fraud
- Issue: State tax breaks for high-tech firms to not achieve the economic impact they were intended to. Legislators should not bow to industry wishes by renewing them.