Real Change Newspaper
Table of Contents
November 11, 2004, Vol. 11, No. 24
- Gregoire and the Black Vote
- Elections Fix
- Invasion of the Constitution Snatchers
- Prince George and the Lyin’
Table of Contents
The Trump Card. The religious right stacked the deck with their “moral values.” How do we put justice and liberty back into play? Interviews by Adam Hyla, Pages 1, 8, 9
| The Moral of the Story: moral leaders guides on the ascendancy of the right
| Quote by Paul Loeb, writer and activist
| Quote by Rev. David Bloom
- Illustration by Craig Updegrove
- Picture: Rev. John Boonstra
- Picture: Crowd with sign “We vote 4 peace’ November 5, 2004
- Photo by Ken Dean
Mailbag, Page 2
- Buy-bust or bust! By Tom Carr, Seattle City Attorney
- Short on money, short on time by 11th-grade students in Jonathan Greensberg’s class at Center School
- Right on by Andrea Faste | Ballard
Opinion: The Next Big Thing. Real Change gears up for a second decade of effective activism. By Timothy Harris, Page 3
News You Can Use! Close to Home, Page 4
| Gregoire’s disrespect; Mr. Clean
- Gregoire and the Black vote by Breeana Laughlin and Adam Hyla
- Picture: Did Gubernatorial candidate Chris Gregoire take the Black vote for granted?
- Photo by Ken Dean
- Here comes Mr. Clean (And Dry and Safe) by R.V. Murphy
- Picture: Nick Licata leading on a homeless hygiene and day center.
- Photo by Justin Mills
- Better luck in 2008.
- Picture: An estimated 600 protesters clogged the streets of downtown Seattle four days after the election (With signs that said “Still Not My President [RE: George W. Bush])
Stuck in a Voting Rut. Is Election Reform Coming to Washington State? Not if it’s up to major party leaders. By Tom Coghill, Pages 5, 12
| A fix for a broken democracy: instant runoff voting founders
- Picture: Rich Anderson-Connolly, I-318 supporter and associate professor at University of Puget Sound
North American Newsbriefs from Compiled by Patty Lane, Page 14
Adventures in Poetry: Horrors of the next four years with ©Dr. Wes Browning, Page 6
Poetry, Pages 6, 7
- Haunting Memories by Paul von Kempf, Jr.
- Wish List by Liz Smith
- Amity by Earle Thompson
- 091004 by Peter Toliver
- “Innocence in Pain” by Elias Padilla, Sr.
- Doggie Memories by Carol Leno
- So. California Autumn by Marion Sue Fischer
Feeling the Heat. Climate change threatens much more than the environment. Book: Boiling Point by Ross Gelbspan. Review by Patricia Coburn, Page 10
Street Watch. Compiled by Emma Quinn, Page 11
Street Talk: the ire next time. Question: How do you feel about Bush’s second term? Photos and interviews by Meghan Peters, Page 11
- Ed Ward, 30, Meat Cutter / Student
- H.H. Martin, 61, Electrician
- Priya Keefe, 30, Writer
- Heidi Durham, 51, Radical Women Leader
- Bob Konen, 52, Building Contractor
- John Magee, 55, Landscape Architect
- Jerry Skalski, 25, Electrician
- Dana Honstain, 18, Student
- Kenny M., 23, Secretary
- Kathy Konen, 51, Teacher
V is for Victory. The Vagina Monologues at Stone Soup Theater. By Jennifer Gore, Page 13
| Quote by Charlotte Tiencken, Director
- Picture: The cast of Stone Soup Theater’s lively rendition of The Vagina Monologues, which runs through November 20.
- Photo courtesy of Stone Soup Theater
Real Change Hero (and Poet!): Velva Thomas, Vendor #3596. By Wes Browning, Page 14
- Poem: Like Horses Running by Velma Thomas
- Picture: Velma Thomas
Classics Corner. Prince George and the lyin’. By Perfess'r Harris (Timothy Harris), Page 14
Calendar. Compiled by Sandra Enger and Regina Liszanckie, Page 15
Volunteers wanted, Page 16
Citizens Participation Project. Act Now! Page 16
City Budget: the 11th hour
- Issue: The Seattle City Council is getting close to holding a final vote on the 2005-06 budget. Important issues are still being decided, and there’s time left for you to have an impact on the items below (but only if you act now!)