Real Change Newspaper
Table of Contents
January 19, 2005, Vol. 12, No. 3
- Fired at Sound Transit. Page 5
- Homeless at Seattle U. SU Hosts Tent City, Page 6
- Tsunami. Heroes and Heroines: Tsunami reflections. Page 7
- RC Hero, John Porter. Page 10
Table of Contents:
Dream of Democracy. Iraqi Americans consider the election by Rosette Royale, Pages 1, 9
Mailbag, Page 2
- Reframing the review by Peter Kolb | Seattle
- Common Ground by Julia Kellogg | Seattle
Ink in their veins. Fire in their bellies, Page 2
Welcome to Cydney Gillis and Rosette Royale, Real Change's first ever staff reporters.
Fixing Elections. Six ways to rebuild vote confidence by Steven Hill and Rob Richie, Page 3
News You Can Use! Close to Home, Page 4
- Last supper by Rosette Royale. [Permanent site for Outdoor Meal program]
- Back in the saddle by Tom Cogbill [Suspended driver's licences may be reinstated]
- Public safety, or racial profiling? by Diana Wurn [RE: Neighborhood Corrections Initiative"]
Gone, But Not Forgotten. Security contractor under scrutiny for firing whistleblower by Cydney Gillis, Page 5 [RE: Franklin Bullock, Wackenhut Corp, Sound Transit]
- Picture: Franklin Bullock
- Photo by Mark Sullo
North American Newsbriefs, Compiled by Patty Lane, Page 5
Hearing the Call. Seattle U. becomes the first private college to admit Tent City by Megan Lee, Page 6
- Picture: Joe Orlando (no, not Seattle University President Steven Sundborg) sees hosting Tent City as an opportunity to follow SU's mission.
- Photo by Megan Lee
- Sidebar: Academic Salons at Seattle University on Consumption and Poverty
Of Heroes and Heroines. In the midst of a tsunami, what's the use of being Western? by Bonnie Olson, Page 7 [ Ashram of Mata Amritanandamayi, commonly known as Amma]
- Picture: Compassion at work. Adept at feeding thousands of people per day, the ashram mobilized its food stores and massive cooking vessels for those displaced by the flood.
- Photo by Bonnie Olson.
Street Watch. Compiled by Emma Quinn, Page 8
Real Change Hero: John Porter, Vendor #3291, Page 8
Poetry, Page 10
- Trees Are Not a Metaphor by Anitra L. Freeman
- Harvesting Hope by Emily Francisca
- Shopping by Roger Stukey
- Propaganda by Roger Stukey
Adventures in Poetry: Our Senses of Humor with ©Dr. Wes Browning, Page 10
Calendar, Compiled by Sandra Enger from Jean Buskin's Peace and Justice Events Calendar, Page 11
- Event: Jared Diamond explained how the West rose to power with Guns, Germs, and Steel, now, he shows how, from barren Easter Island to strip-mined Montana, civilizations precipitate their own decline in Collapse: How Societies Choose to Succeed or Fail. 7:30 p.m., at Town Hall, 8th and Seneca, Seattle. Tickets are $5 and available at Elliott Bay Books, 206-624-6600. [And no, this ad did not include the date, but it was sometime in January 2005]
Volunteers Wanted, Page 12
- Sacred Heart Shelter needs members for Fundraising Advisory Board
- Central Area Senior Center (CASC) Hot Lunch Program kitchen helpers
Citizens Participation Project, Act Now!, Page 12
Tax Reform: make yourself heard
- Issue: In spite of never-ending budget crises and multiple reports telling us that Washington's tax system is one of the most regressive in the nation, state lawmakers are reticent to take on tax reform. Even the most progressive among them shy away from meaningful reform, afraid of losing their jobs and then losing any opportunity to help create a fairer system. They need a reminder that their constituents know that taxes are the price we pay for living in a civilized society, for highways and public transit, and to have free education for every child - not a burden that we should revolt against.
Copy of issue was obtained from microfiche in the University of Washington Suzzallo Library