My Parents
were so very serious
He wanted to change the world
She wanted to save it
She took him on cuz she believed in him
He wanted her…
well, because she believed in him
He would have been bigger than Hitler
had he only known how
She was naive and altruistic
Neither of them ever laughed
and why should they
She wanted justice for all
and he…
well, maybe he didn’t know either
something to do with truth
perhaps just defining the term
in any case
as their lone representative
and only tangible creation
i remember thinking
at an unbearably young age
they were weird
and not because they were parents
or even my parents
they were weird as people
Naturally i rebelled
i became a comedian
in defense
a dreamer by necessity
I dreamt we were in a big sitcom
and none of this was really going on
and some few years later
our show was cancelled
—Larry Crist
For copy of actual issue, go to