Sat., Sept. 22, 9:18 p.m., Alaskan Way.
Suspect, a transient white male aged 33, was observed by an officer
leaving Waterfront Park and trying to cover his identity with his hood. The
officer had arrested the suspect the previous night in the 200 block of
Blanchard for being in SODA (Stay Out of Drug Area) zone 1 as this is in viola-
tion of the suspect’s probation. The officer stopped the suspect and again
arrested him for being in SODA zone 1. Suspect was handcuffed and was
found to have a ‘rock’ pipe in his right jeans pocket. Suspect stated that this
was harassment, and that he had just been released from jail at 8 a.m. this
morning. He states he had gone back to his camp located at Eighth and Bell
to get a heavier jacket. Suspect stated he had just gone to the waterfront for
a walk when the officer stopped him. Suspect was arrested and booked into King County Jail for probation violation.
fri., oct. 5, 12:45 p.m., Pike Place Market.
Complainant, a security guard at Pike Place Market, was patrolling
the lower level when he observed the suspect, a transient white male, aged
50, sitting on a bench. Complainant knew the suspect had been trespassed
from the market for one year. Complainant escorted the suspect to the
security office where he called the police. Officer verified the suspect had
been trespassed on Sept. 27 for one year. He was interviewed and released
from the scene — officer is requesting charges of criminal trespass.
Sun., oct. 7, 2:46 p.m., Prefontaine Park.
Reporting officer is familiar with the suspect, a transient white male
aged 26, from previous contacts. He is aware that the suspect is a drug user, and that he is currently banned from all zone 4 parks. He saw him in the
500 block of Third Ave., and was contacted by two other police officers that
told him they had seen the suspect in Prefontaine Park. Officer contacted
the man and arrested him for trespass. The Parks Exclusion notice was
updated for another year, and suspect was booked into King County Jail.
Sun., oct. 7, 10:46 p.m., Home Plate Parking, first ave. S.
Officer driving past Home Plate Parking on First Ave.
saw the suspect, a transient white male aged 46, standing by the pay
box. When the suspect saw the officer he turned and started to walk away.
Officer had dealt with the suspect before and knew he was trespassed
from all pay parking lots. The officer stopped the man and asked him what
he was doing — he replied that he did not know, and stated he had not stolen
anything. Officer advised him that he was trespassing, and the suspect
stated he knew. The officer ran his name and verified the Trespass Admonishment, valid until May 2008. He was arrested and booked into King County Jail for trespass.
Compiled from incident reports of the Seattle Police Department by Emma Quinn. Got your own experience to relate? Call us at (206) 441-3247 ext. 207 and we’ll get the scoop.