Is White privilege a concept? An invisible idea and thus as harmless as other things invisible? Or is White privilege an unaddressed epidemic, like the incurables plaguing our world today and from compiled yesterdays.
For some — including those who bathe in it, and silently pretend to not be the holster of its deadly rounds — it is a myth, perpetrated by people believed to think everything is against them.
For the others, it is not an inert vapor, but a poison as evident as the blood running in the streets, and as the dollar trails veering to White pockets like a favored magnet. The reality of struggle proves its existence, and the absence of ‘real’ hard work in the comforts of social and economic privilege shines to blind the mind of status certainly eligible for gratitude, though never earned.
This is your definition for the conniving force: White privilege is the societal epidemic — or myth, should you fear the truth to come — that complains whenever it’s not in first place. At first lane, it forgets the existence of all races and sets people to the goals of selfish attainment. It assumes that everything is due its way, and with attitude, will quick remind who’s hindering its “superiority.”
In recent events, White privilege has displayed itself sickening in media and in what our current rations of “justice” have yielded. On Jan. 18, Brock Allen Turner, former Stanford student and swimmer, raped an unconscious, intoxicated 22-year-old woman behind a Dumpster. Turner, a Caucasian male, was sentenced six months of jail time by the Santa Clara County Court. This was a welcome sentence when compared with other convicted rapists this year. Three other male rapists in 2016, each African American, were sentenced to six to 15 years behind bars. Beyond the sentencing, the media took time to mention Turner’s apparently impressive swim times, parading him around as so achieved, adorned with prestigious honor; all irrelevant distractions to dismiss his evident character.
Alton Sterling (may God rest his soul) of Baton Rouge, Louisiana, just proved that a licensed permit for a gun is now a White privilege. Media stated that Sterling should have never had a gun (even though state law permits it) and the National Rifle Association was nowhere to be seen to support the purpose of its entire existence. As Black America mourns yet another senseless attack by lawless law enforcement, the media, in conjunction with White privilege, was very quick to list Sterling’s criminal record, all of which is completely irrelevant information, as this incident was not an addition to that record.
These actions and the like are White privilege: White privilege is ascribing social relevance to people in White social economic prosperity. It is complaining of lack of service at a place of received service. It is the outsourcing of wrongs all to be forever wrong.