By purchasing and reading this paper, you are part of a movement for meaningful change in our region.
It is a movement that centers empowerment, creativity and, most importantly, people. Journalists, activists, readers and vendors come together to support each other and work toward a brighter shared future.
You, dear reader, are already a vital part of this movement. And we’re asking you today to take another step forward.
Double your donation
Now through May 3, please take a step into the movement for Real Change and join us to GiveBIG for jobs, journalism and justice.
GiveBIG is about individuals coming together to make a BIG impact on the issue areas that matter most to us. More than 50,000 individuals contributed to GiveBIG last year. It is a demonstration of collective power, showing the strength we have when we act together.
We are working toward a critical goal of $75,000 for GiveBIG by May 3.
Donations of any size will be doubled, up to $25,000, when you make your gift today.
GiveBIG to vendors like Janice
On most days, you can find Janice Dampier selling the newspaper at the PCC or the Safeway in West Seattle. She greets her customers with a smile, saying, “Good morning, get your Real Change here!”
Last week, I sat down with Janice to talk about her experience as a Real Change vendor. In her time at Real Change, she has built a strong customer base in West Seattle, perfected her sales pitch and grown as a leader here in the Vendor Program.
Janice is one of hundreds of Real Change vendors who earn an income through our low-barrier work opportunity. She has faced many challenges in her life, including homelessness, yet she found something special at Real Change that just clicked for her.
“I just love Real Change. It makes me my own boss. I get to meet more, more and more people. That’s why I keep coming back,” Janice shared.
When you make your gift to GiveBIG by May 3, you are investing in programs like our low-barrier work opportunity that supports vendors like Janice earning an income. Through GiveBIG, Washingtonians are asked to pause and reflect on the issues and organizations that are working toward solutions in our region and consider how we can support groups working for positive change.
For those who are in a position to give, please consider making a contribution to Real Change through GiveBIG today and know that your contribution will be doubled by a matching sponsor, turning $5 into $10 or $50 into $100.
Real opportunities for change
Your gift creates real opportunities in our community, where job loss is a significant contributing factor to homelessness.
I met Janice in 2018, when she first became a vendor. She hadn’t thought she would be interested, but her brother brought her in to Real Change when he needed to pick up some papers.
She reminisced with me about the first day she walked into the Vendor Center in Pioneer Square and how it felt to be greeted by staff, volunteers and other vendors after experiencing feelings of invisibility. She remembers hearing, ‘Would you like something to eat? Would you like a cup of coffee?’ and thought to herself, “Wow, I’m back home again. It was just love.”
After a brief orientation, she was ready to start selling the newspaper.
“The first day I was scared, but he stayed with me, and then it was really good,” she said. Now, she earns a reliable income and has a strong customer base of readers like you. Janice continues to grow and build her customer base and has achieved many personal and professional goals over her time here at Real Change.
Janice’s experience walking into the Vendor Center for the first time years ago was a special moment for her. Each time a new vendor walks through our doors, we work hard to make sure that they have an experience like Janice’s. Our small but mighty team of dedicated staff members and volunteers ensure that the Vendor Center is an inclusive, caring place where all feel welcomed. We offer supportive services, host a medical clinic, provide bathrooms and a free library, and so much more.
In 2020, Janice achieved another milestone at Real Change. The vendor community voted for her to receive the 2020 Vendor of the Year award. This honor is given each year to a vendor who represents the values of courage, community, creativity, compassion and integrity: qualities that Janice demonstrates here as a leader and peer.
Critical funding
We need your help raising $75,000 to power our programs. Your $100 gift becomes a $200 gift, and a $500 gift becomes a $1,000 gift, when you donate by May 3.
Janice, just like the Real Change vendor who sold you this paper, is part of the lowest barrier work opportunity in this city. Hundreds of people each year earn an income selling the paper, with more than $1 million annually going directly into the pockets of those who need it most. The programs here work because they believe in people. Your contributions help make this work possible.
As Janice shared, “That’s why they say Real Change. Because it’s real. It’s really, really real. It changed my life and I appreciate it.”
Please give GiveBIG with us today. Thank you.
Real Change exists to provide opportunity and a voice to people experiencing homelessness and poverty while taking action for economic, racial and social justice. Our vendors sell our weekly newspaper all over Seattle and the surrounding area, and they depend on the support of our readers to make an income.
Enjoyed the article? Venmo a vendor $2, the cost of a paper, to support their work!
Read more of the Apr. 26-May 2, 2023 issue.