Dear A’blessing,
I’m sorry for what I’ve put you through these past couple years, I’m sorry for always thinking that you’re always the problem in situations. I’m sorry that I’ve put you through so much; you have had multiple thoughts of ending your life but now you’re happy, and I’m happy for you.
I’m sorry that you’re not always feeling at your best and I’m sorry for always thinking that you need someone to make you happy. I’m sorry, A’blessing, I’m sorry that you haven’t had the perfect fairy tale dream you wanted.
I’m sorry I put you in a position that I wouldn’t put you in today. I’m sorry you had to act older than you were because you didn’t want to be an outcast. I’m sorry that you didn’t know who you were.
But I’m happy that no longer has to be you. Now you can just be you and not care about what people think because you already went down that road and now you’re on the way to success — on the way to where you’ve already dreamed about.
Now that you’re past your old self, you’ve done so much better, making improvements in your grades and not worrying about how people think about you. Now you’re just living for yourself, and I’m so proud of how you overcame it.
You stayed out of the wrong social crowd, you only have one best friend that you really care about, you don’t stay out too late and you are trying so much more to focus on your physical and mental health. You have come so far compared to these past couple years and I’m so proud of you. Instead of chasing boys, you’re chasing the bag, making money, focusing on you. You have finally figured out that you don’t need a man to make you happy — you only need yourself and that’s all that matters.
A’Blessing, after five years of trying to figure yourself out, you have. You’ve been able to forgive your past self for making all those stupid decisions and realize that everything happens for a reason. Whether good or bad you will always bounce back from any obstacles.
Remember, A’blessing, I love you and I want you to always make decisions based on your heart as well as your mind.
Your current-day self
This column is in partnership with Creative Justice.
Read more of the May 1–7, 2024 issue.