The situation in Gaza has made me gain a newfound appreciation for alternative news sources. It is only through programs such as Democracy Now that I hear the voices of Palestinians in Gaza almost every day. Its content helps me to fully understand the extent of the suffering they are forced to endure.
Alternative news sources pursue on-the-ground coverage about social issues and consider lived experiences of the people who are affected. I appreciate this approach because I am a Christian, and I think if Jesus was here today, he would be looking at immigration from the point of view of an immigrant and at prisons from the point of view of a prisoner. He would care about discrimination of all kinds.
I also think Jesus would be very concerned about Gaza. I know I am. There’s only so much I can do. While I don’t have a formal academic background and make a living by selling newspapers, I can still take steps toward action. And through alternative news media outlets, I can learn from experts and activists who have been involved in this issue. The media I consume ignites me to attend many meetings, rallies and marches that are aimed at demanding change. In fact, these days you can usually find me holding up signs in Westlake calling for a ceasefire every day.
I believe it’s important to be involved in issues. Any person can have an impact, regardless of who they are. Sometimes our actions can have a very big impact. Alone it might seem like you are powerless, but together, our combined power, the power of the masses, is amazing.
I don’t know how long I can continue to believe in this half-rotten system of ours, but I still believe in people’s power. This is the power that I believe to be at the center of alternative news outlets, and I am glad to have it because not only does it educate me about what’s going on, but it gives me the strength to carry on.
Carl Nakajima is a Real Change vendor. His badge number is 12468. He sells Real Change by the King Street Station.
Carl Nakajima is a vendor for Real Change and previously was an intern for the Advocacy Department. His badge number for Venmo payments is 12468.
Read more of the May 29–June 4, 2024 issue.