Real Change Newspaper
Table of Contents
February 5, 2004, Vol. 11, No. 4
- Slum tenants storm Olympia
- A pot to pee in
- Big Bush Lies
- Sorrows of Empire
- Have a heart for kids!
Note: The paper goes from page 6 to page 11. The Mockingbird Times was inserted between.
Table of Contents
Daily Grind. For street youth, a shot at a better life. By Patrick Schultz, Pages 1, 12
| Homeless youth get a single shot at a better life through the Barista Training Program
- Picture: Sarah demonstrates her skills at YouthCare’s classroom coffee bar.
- Photo by Alicia Pollett
Mailbag, Page 2
- Kucinich: real integrity by Elaine Waller-Rose
- Kerry: just real by Terry Parkhurst | Seattle
- The Left: don’t bash ‘em by Bill Clifford | Seattle
Opinion: When will Children be a Priority? Olympia needs to get serious. By Jon Gould, Page 3
| Have a Heart for Kids: Get serious Olympia!
News You Can Use! Close to Home, Page 4
| Vote if you’re poor; another building by LIHI, a fire in public housing, a pot to pee in – at last
- Meet the People by Rachael Myers
- Cate Building opens by R.V. Murphy
- Picture: The Greenwood neighborhood’s new Cate Apartments.
- Photo courtesy LIHI
- Fire on Queen Anne by Kathleen Mitchell
- Relief, at last by Ed Cain
Truth to Power. Tired of their landlord’s neglect, tenants of a decrepit Auburn building take their grievances to Olympia. By Polly Keary, Page 4
- Picture: Belinda Meehan, Tamra Leigh, and Zandra Lea visited state legislators January 29, talking up a proposed tenant relocation ordinance. The women live in an Auburn building that may soon be condemned.
- Photo by Andrea Lee
Adventures in Poetry: The Mariners, Seattle’s biggest scalper with ©Dr. Wes Browning, Page 6
Poetry, Pages 6
- When a Shark Smiles by Carol Kosche, February 5, 2004, Page 6
- The Old and Poor in the City by Leonard L. Tews, February 5, 2004, Page 6
- politics of failure by R. Ungrich, February 5, 2004, Page 6
Street Watch. Compiled by Emma Quinn, Page 13
Street Talk. Question: Was it wise to promise the airplane manufacturer all those billions? Interviews and photos by Kristina Mageau, Page 11
- Andrea Leary, 46, vocational education teacher
- Kevin Leary, 48, truck driver
- Bill Bullock, 24, retail clerk / freelance journalist
- Eileen Langlois, 44, salesperson
- Hal DeBerry, 43, baseball coach
- Will Mederski, 19, political activist
- Aysia Bell, 17, student
- Evin McKline, 15, student
Manifest Destiny. Chalmers Johnson helped explain 9/11 to a shocked America. In his new book he lays bare The Sorrows of Empire. Interview by Adam Holdorf, Page 13
| Chalmers Johnson popularized Blowback to explain 9/11.
- Picture: Chalmers Johnson
Truth or Consequences. Book: The Five Biggest Lies Bush Told Us About Iraq by Christopher Scheer, Robert Scheer, and Lakshmi Chaudhry. Review by R.V. Murphy, Page 14
Obituary: In Memory: Dolores Beamon. By Cynthia Lee Ozimek, Page 14
Calendar. Compiled by Sandra Enger, Page 15
Citizens Participation Project. Act Now! Page 16
Give young offenders a bright future
- Issue: Any young person with a troubled past should not have to wait as much as 10 years to put it behind them by having a criminal record sealed.
Mockingbird Times February 2004, Vol. IV, Issue II, 4 pages